Archive - Jan 31, 2006 - Blog entry


Feeling a bit overwhelmed.
There's so many things going on, projects and things I'm involved with. And now I'm sick, for no apparent reason other than the stress of all this stuff going on - I've been eating right, sleeping enough, etc. Hopefully I can kick it fast, I already feel better than yesterday, but who knows what'll happen. I need to take it a little easier, I guess.

recent things not mentioned on blog yet:

  • got new business cards for myself, they look pretty sweet, and they were super cheap;
  • working at a job filling in for a friend for a few weeks, i'll blog more about that later. it may be the main reason i'm so stressed lately;
  • reading Susan Sontag's "Notes on Camp" - i've always wanted to read this essay, and a copy of the book it's in "Against Interpretation" showed up at Dry River last week. It's pretty Art World, but is still interesting. a good source of Oscar Wilde quotes, at least. this coupled with my newfound lack of as much interest in Art, preferring the sociopolitical, reminds me of the Laurie Anderson piece where she turns Gorky's saying "Aesthetics is the ethics of the future" into "Aesthetics is the ethics of the few." Which reminds me I've decided I'm really interested in Ethics, and I'll write more about that soon when I do a book review of something I recently finished reading, about vegetarianism. stay tuned.
  • underwhelming 'tear down the wall' teach-in about the border was saturday. Lots of border activists talking the same-old, same-old talk. Ask your elected officials to stop being corrupt and racist jerksdo the right thing! woohoo!