Archive - www.risingtidenorthamerica.org
Deseo Desarrollo (a work in progress)
A single-channel version of a piece designed to be a 2-screen performance work. Conceived of as a study or stepping stone in a larger project concerning urban redevelopment and gentrification.
This emergency meta rendition created for "Avant AZ", an evening of video art at Exploded View microcinema in Tucson, AZ, May 9, 2015.
(Produced in collaboration with Allison Leigh Holt; Contains video material generated by Holt using her Glass System videoscultpure, by projecting and re-filming through the sculptures time-lapse footage of my guest house being built. Holt also provided integral script and concept feedback. more info about the sculptures here: oillyoowen.com/work/the-glass-system/ )
Cast: steev hise and Oilly Oowen
Tags: video art, performance art, expanded cinema, live cinema, gentrification, urban development, Tucson, fatherhood, food, desire and consumption
The Housing Monster
author: prole.info
name: Steev
average rating: 3.86
book published: 2011
rating: 5
read at: 2015/02/10
date added: 2015/02/24
shelves: politics, gentrification, own-it
Excellent. Essentially a marxist analysis of the housing and construction industries, but a modern one. Includes an erudite chapter on Soviet Russia and why it wasn't really communism but was in fact just another form of state capitalism.
In addition to the smart writing, the graphics are brilliant. Some of them I feel like blowing up into poster size and wheatpasting around town.
author: Neal Pollack
name: Steev
average rating: 3.41
book published: 2000
rating: 5
read at: 2014/11/15
date added: 2014/12/31
shelves: children, fun, gentrification, own-it, homesteading, memoir
Just what I needed.
It was surprising how much of the book is about not just "alternative" parenting but about gentrification. The story is the story of a dude growing up and starting to value a way of life (domestic, family-based, child-centered) different than he used to, and trying to reconcile that with his values about class and urbanity and growth and re-development, etc.