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ActitudMariaMarta-EstadoResignado.mp3 19-Mar-2004 22:36 3.2M
This is a track from a compilation live album from a huge celebration in 1997 commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo. The title of the CD is "20 Anos - Ni Un Paso Atras!" ("20 Years - Not one step back" - "Not one step back" is sort of the current motto of the Madres.) Bono from the band U2 was also in this concert and appears on the disc.
BFTC-MiCorazon.mp3 19-Mar-2004 22:31 5.0M
A track from the Bajo Fondo Tango Club disc that I bought in Montevideo. Includes Uruguayan and Argentine artists, all using samples of Tango music to make modern electronic dance music.
BitmanYRoban_RobarEsNatural.mp3 19-Mar-2004 22:01 4.3M
The title track from Robar Es Natural (To Rob Is Natural), by Bitman and Roban, of Santiago de Chile.
CarlosGardel_BsAs.mp3 19-Mar-2004 22:07 3.6M
A track from an anthology of the music of Carlos Gardel, the legendary singer who basically was the one who introduced the Tango to the rest of the world. I should add that Gardel is really revered in Argentina, and there is a slang term that means "I'm cool," basically, which literally translated is "Hey, I'm Carlos Gardel with an electric guitar!"
ProcissaoDosRetirantes.mp3 19-Mar-2004 22:45 5.0M
A track from a compilation released by the MST, the brazilian landless workers movement. The disc was produced to commemorate the 1st National Festival of Agrarian Reform, in Rio Grande do Sul a few years ago.
TangoCrash_LaYumbaRemix.mp3 19-Mar-2004 22:27 3.5M
A track from the CD "Tango Crash", which I bought in Buenos Aires. The disc is all sort of a mix of tango, jazz, and electronica.
VictorJara_LasCasitasDelBarrio.mp3 19-Mar-2004 12:15 2.8M
A performance of the classic Malvina Reynolds song "Little Boxes", translated into Spanish and performed by Victor Jara, the hero of Chilean folk music in the 60s and early 70s. He was killed in 1973 a few days after the Pinochet coup.
here's the original english lyrics.