What's Been Going On Lately...
Day before yesterday:
- 10:00 looking at documentation about Jack Trip - ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/software/jacktrip/ #
- 10:16 Just watched the intro section of the new film about copyright and mashups and stuff, "RIP": tinyurl.com/76hhpo #
- 11:42 wondering what the pollen count is today. maybe pretty low, or maybe the herbal stuff i've been taking actual works...? #
- 14:19 creating an online fundraising infrastructure for my war tax film. #
- 15:05 polishing up my grassroots DIY fundraising page for my documentary. tinyurl.com/dx7wyl #
- 17:39 doing a tech rehearsal for Sonic Bridge, a telematic performance that will happen next week.. #
- 20:44 looking for a good free ID3 editor for the Mac. ridiculous how hard it is to find one. #
- 08:21 reading about "internet 2"... reminded of the jokes we used to tell about "Internet Plus"... #
- 08:32 thinking i must remember this for next xmas: www.vimeo.com/2344860 #
- 10:54 switching gears, from fundraising, to editing... #
- 15:30 getting creeped out by the idea of "pokens".... ( doyoupoken.com ) #
- 15:56 wondering why "iTunes DJ" has replaced "party shuffle" #
- 17:12 thinking about how the border patrol wants to defoliate the banks of the entire Rio Grande River... makes me sick.. #