Weekend of Rainy Street Fairs
Yesterday was the Geek Fair at Free Geek, which was fun but would have been a lot funner if it was warmer and sunnier. Like, warmer than 55 degrees F. But it was cool, there were bands and printer smashing and geek quiz shows and videos, including a new rough draft of a video i've been working on about worker collectives.
Now today the weather looks to be about the same and we're having Portland Car Free Day. I'll probably be inside most of the time anyway, working on a documentary about zines that is almost done. Joe from Microcosm Publishing has been working on it all summer at my space, Gavel, and he asked me to clean up the audio now that the editing is done.
I'll probably stop by the last couple hours of Car Free Day, but the event really seems like such a tiny, futile gesture. The city allowed us to do it but only on a Sunday and only on one short block that hardly anyone drives on even on weekdays. The only people that will be there will be the already converted hardcore bicyclists, especially on a shitty day like today. So, it seems sort of pointless.
In other news, my neck really really hurts. If I bend it a certain way, it's that kind of pain that is so intense that it makes one nauseous.