Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing, and the Erosion of Integrity
author: Anne Elizabeth Moore
name: Steev
average rating: 3.37
book published: 2007
rating: 3
read at: 2008/03/01
date added: 2008/04/01
shelves: politics
some of it is old hat to me, the copyright stuff, etc, but it documents some very recent developments in marketing that are extremely disturbing.
If you've already read books like Conquest of Cool, No Logo, Captains of Conciousness, or been reading zines like Stay Free!, this is not going to be a really useful or revelatory book.
Overall, i was a little disappointed because the book doesn't really provide many solutions. there's a chapter at the end called "taking dissent off the market", but it only provides one example, and a pretty tepid one, of people trying to fight and answer these latest trends in marketing. it also didn't address a fundamental question: why do some people not "get it"? why do people, even people involved with "underground" or DIY expression, not "get" that it's a political act, and that you're helping to dilute and destroy integrity every time you go over to the other side?
The book mostly just created a sense of hopelessness, and a depressed feeling that the only way to really prevail over corporate hegemony is a Fight Club style destruction of our entire civilization. sigh.