Truth On The Line - webisode 3

In this webisode of Truth On The Line, Joel hears about an immigration raid and meets a strange new friend. Meanwhile Stan makes an important dinner date with an old familiar friend.

Truth On The Line is a six-part web mini-series about media, journalism, immigration, and life, written and directed by Steev Hise. Future webisodes will be available twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. For more information about the project, see A lot went into the making of Truth On The Line; If you like the project and would like to help Steev continue to make cool stuff like this, please show your support and contribute a few shekels - click the "tip this video" button on the video's Vimeo page. Thanks for watching and helping!

Cast: steev hise

Tags: totl, immigration, borders, journalism, media, web series, tip jar and crowdfunding