The Thing About Life Is That One Day You'll Be Dead
author: David Shields
name: Steev
average rating: 3.45
book published: 2008
rating: 5
read at: 2012/01/21
date added: 2012/01/21
shelves: spirit-self, own-it
I really like David Shields' writing. He has an intimate, authentic, casual tone that is wonderful. This book is all about death, and aging, and how inevitable they are, but it's also a personal memoir about Shields' life and about his father, who was 97 when the book was written and seemed to show no sign of dying soon. he alternates between floods of statistics about the decay of the human body over time, quotes by famous thinkers and celebrities about death and life, and anecdotes about his father and himself. It's a charming and touching book, though a bit scary and depressing, but I've heard that it's healthy and happy-making to think about a death every day a little bit, so this book is good for you.