"They Take Our Jobs!": and 20 Other Myths about Immigration
author: Aviva Chomsky
name: Steev
average rating: 4.14
book published: 2007
rating: 5
read at: 2010/10/15
date added: 2010/11/11
shelves: own-it, border, politics
This is an excellent book about immigration. It's from a leftist, even Marxist perspective, so you might get triggered if you fall on the opposite side of the political spectrum. But the facts and arguments can't be ignored. The book takes on a slough of different misconceptions and lies about the issue and cuts through the crap in a clear, concise, no-nonsense and straightforward manner. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants more clarity on the subject. I especially recommend it as a companion read to "Let Them In," a book by a Wall Street Journalist reporter that takes on many of the same myths, but debunks them from a purely conservative and free market perspective. Between these 2 books you'll have all the ammunition you would need to talk to anybody about immigration.