Feliz Primero de Mayo

printing and screening at Feral Press - 11
Yesterday I spent about 4 hours in a fume-filled printshop, Feral Press, helping to screen print No More Deaths yard signs and printing thousands of our May Day Pamphlet.

Then I went to a potluck in the park. Dry River kids and anarchists from Phoenix and Flagstaff, in town for May Day. I brought fresh lemondade I made from lemons from the tree in our yard. Then we all went to the Dry River space and I picked out a pile of relevant zines from the infoshop that we could bring to table at the teach-in/rally today. Then I went to kinko's and made copies of a new bilingual Arizona Indymedia flier that I made.

So yesterday was long and busy. Today is going to be even longer and busier. But more exciting.