Everyone's Pretty: A Novel

Everyone's Pretty: A Novel

author: Lydia Millet

name: Steev

average rating: 3.31

book published: 2005

rating: 4

read at: 2008/01/01

date added: 2008/05/28

shelves: novels

reminds me of Chuck Palahniuk. snarky, irreverent, hyperbolic... full of lots of weirdos and scumbags..

It's kind of simplistic, even though the plot is very convoluted, with multiple characters running around coincidentally bumping into one another. but all the characters are somewhat stereotypical and black or white - either degenerate ingrates or naive, self-righteous jesus freaks. except for Alice, who turns out to be the main character, but i didn't realize that until at least 30 pages in.

Basically it's a fun book but not really as deep as it seemed like it would be. But it's a fast easy read, took me 2 days.