Directing Feature Films: The Creative Collaborarion Between Director, Writers, and Actors

Directing Feature Films: The Creative Collaborarion Between Director, Writers, and Actors

author: Mark W. Travis

name: Steev

average rating: 5.00

book published: 2002

rating: 5

read at: 2009/07/11

date added: 2009/07/13

shelves: filmmaking

This book is an excellent take on the art of directing films. Mark Travis is an amazing teacher of "the big picture" of filmmaking. He's a great teacher too, and I would highly recommend attending one of his directing workshops if he comes to your town.

I'm tempted to start a new "shelf" called "using" because I've been not only reading this book but also using it in the pre-production and production of a film I'm shooting this summer. The book has been tremendously helpful in terms of casting, re-writing, rehearsing, and general organization and collaboration with cast and crew.