The Cinema of Werner Herzog: Aesthetic Ecstasy and Truth (Directors' Cuts)
author: Brad Prager
name: Steev
average rating: 4.19
book published: 2007
rating: 4
read at: 2009/08/04
date added: 2009/08/04
shelves: filmmaking
This is a great analysis of Herzog's work. Not as good as the Cronin book, "Herzog on Herzog", more academic, but still very very interesting if you really like his work, like me. Reading academic, theoretical kinds of works like this about film is also quite instructive because it keeps one aware that there are lots of interpretations and analyses possible beyond the intentions of the author, of any creative work. Prager does a pretty good job of not reaching too far beyond what Herzog's thinking probably was, but he does manage to bring to light a few troubling or problematic things about some of the films and tendencies, for instance, Herzog's treatment of war, and his representation and use of Africa.