The Ask
author: Sam Lipsyte
name: Steev
average rating: 4.50
book published: 2010
rating: 5
read at: 2012/03/24
date added: 2012/03/25
shelves: fun, novels
I "read" this as an audiobook, my first novel consumed in such a fashion. Should I be writing about it on "GoodListens.com" instead?
Certainly the medium had some effect on the experience, and I often found myself wishing I had the printed page in front of me, to linger over certain passages or page back to check names, the kinds of things I often do with books. It felt more like I was watching a movie than reading a book. Still, the fact that the audiobook was read by the author himself was a plus, and made me confident that I was getting the tone that Lipsyte intended.
At any rate, The Ask is a really funny, smart, scathing and touching book. It pushes the envelope of high-density cleverness, often a touch too far, feeling a bit like everything, especially dialogue, is crafted almost too perfectly to actually swallow. Combine that with a knowing and deep cynicism and jadedness about almost every aspect of modern life (especially college, philanthropy, and parenting), tempered only just barely enough by an earnest sentimentality and emotion regarding family, kids, and friendships, and you get a whirlwind mix of heart-wrenching and funnybone-wrenching.