Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter

author: Seth Grahame-Smith

name: Steev

average rating: 3.88

book published: 2010

rating: 4

read at: 2012/08/12

date added: 2012/08/13

shelves: fun, novels

A super entertaining thriller with a solid foundation of true historical fact mixed in. I used to be a sucker for vampire stories, especially Anne Rice's Lestat novels, but I outgrew that. However, the unusual premise of this book drew me to it and did not disappoint. The idea of "secret history" is also an area I consistently am interested in, and here we have a long secret history with an occult core. The idea of such a simple, dark cause for a lot of the world's suffering over centuries is appealing, but it also functions as a useful allegory for the more complex causes that are nevertheless functioning behind the scenes all the time. We have and have always had vampires sucking the blood from normal oppressed folk - figuratively speaking, but no less dangerous and worthy of concern.