fun, novels, own-it

Rampaging Fuckers of Everything on the Crazy Shitting Planet of the Vomit Atmosphere

Rampaging Fuckers of Everything on the Crazy Shitting Planet of the Vomit Atmosphere

author: Mykle Hansen

name: Steev

average rating: 3.58

book published: 2008

rating: 4

read at: 2010/12/08

date added: 2010/12/09

shelves: fun, novels, own-it

How I Became a Famous Novelist

How I Became a Famous Novelist

author: Steve Hely

name: Steev

average rating: 3.69

book published: 2009

rating: 4

read at: 2010/11/21

date added: 2010/11/21

shelves: fun, novels, own-it



author: Charles Stross

name: Steev

average rating: 3.81

book published: 2005

rating: 4

read at: 2010/11/11

date added: 2010/11/11

shelves: fun, novels, own-it

Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest

author: David Foster Wallace

name: Steev

average rating: 4.35

book published: 1996

rating: 5

read at: 2010/09/08

date added: 2010/09/10

shelves: fun, novels, own-it

The Fortress of Solitude

The Fortress of Solitude

author: Jonathan Lethem

name: Steev

average rating: 3.86

book published: 2003

rating: 5

read at: 2009/12/28

date added: 2009/12/29

shelves: fun, novels, own-it

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