Archive - video

Boundary Conditions

This is a video collage piece about boundaries and borders created in early 2007 for a multimedia collaborative live event in Tucson called Synaesthesia presented by Pan Left Productions. Music was performed live by Jose Saavedra and Elise Dubord to accompany the projected video. This edit includes the live music and shots of the musicians playing along.
see for more info about Pan Left Productions.

Cast: steev hise

Humanitarian Litterer in the Desert

The other day I went to a rally and press conference put on by No More Deaths to support our friend Walt. Walt is actually one of the first people I met when I first visited Tucson, wondering if I should move there.  He's a seminary student in L.A. now, but he's still dealing with a federal littering charge from earlier this year when he was leaving water jugs in the desert for migrants.  This is a little video documenting the event.

It's also a test of editing footage shot on my new tiny little still camera, a Canon SD780.  The sound isn't that great, especially with the traffic on the street nearby, but I was so impressed with the 1280x720 resolution that I decided to see what I could do.  I edited it Apple ProRes and chopped down to regular DV, enabling me to cut in a way that wasn't too jarring by changing scale.  It's rough, I only spent a  couple barely-spare hours on it, but it turned out alright, I think.

(I fucking hate that I'm forced to use YouTube in this case but I can't get this Drupal module to recognize a link so I'm stuck right now. I don't have time to mess with it. I hate computers and I hate YouTube.)

First 100 Days Rally for Immigrant Rights

On President Obama's second day in office, community members and activists in Tucson gathered at the federal building to state their rights and needs. Part of the News On The Line "Transition in the Borderlands" series:

Cast: steev hise

Showdown At The Rio Bosque

This is the story of the first act of civil disobedience committed to stop construction of the U.S./Mexico border wall, in El Paso, Texas.
for more information about the series of border news segments this video is a part of, see

Cast: steev hise

A Visit to Mexicali on Inauguration Day

As Barrack Obama was being sworn into office, I was talking with an expert on ecology and biodiversity in the border region, Professor Landeros of the Autonomous University of Baja California, in Mexicali. He told me about the state of�the borderlands and his hope for them in the future.

Part of the "Transition in the Borderlands" project. For more information, see

Cast: steev hise

Mono Mono On The Border

In this 3rd installment of the News On The "Line Transition in the Borderlands" series, San Diego electropop artist Mono Mono talks about the border wall, cross-cultural love, and his hopes for change in the future.

Cast: steev hise

Radical Resources: A Story of the Dry River Collective

This film, produced and directed by Steev Hise for Pan Left Productions ( ), tells about the underground community center in Tucson called Dry River Radical Resource Center. Founded in the fall of 2005, the place is an infoshop, music venue, computer center, free store, and more. For more info, see

One Sunday At Friendship Park

A small group of community members meet every Sunday afternoon at this unique park on the U.S./Mexico border, but how much longer will they be allowed to do so?

Cast: steev hise